Friday 26 April 2013


I've been scrapbooking in my own way since 2007, I find that it's a good way to keep all of my memorabilia from events that I have loved. When I first got my book, which is just a slight off A4 notebook, I bought it because I loved the front of it and had no intentions of starting a scrapbook. When I started attending theatre shows and concert/gigs I thought starting one would be great and I'd have a place to keep it all.

Here are some pages of items I have stuck into my scrapbook over the years.

In this picture I have some concert tickets from a couple of years ago, on
the left and on the right I have some ticket stubs from when I went to France with my school and when to see the Eiffel Tower.                                

Here is when I went to see Avenue Q with my school, I helped out with the teatre class during my free time in 6th form, so I was allowed to go with them, the show was great and hilarious. I recommend going when it's on tour again. And on the right is when I went to see One Direction in Liverpool, on their first tour.

When I first started the book, I didn't think to start to decorate any of the pages or try to make the book look fancy I just stuck in the pictures and I was happy. But over time as I grew up I wanted to make the pages look fancy so here is a couple examples of what I did to the pages.

In this one I found an old newspaper and  teared it up and stuck it down to the pages, I covered the pages as much as I wanted then let it dry. After this I got out my watercolours and splatted them on the page, I chose two colours. The other picture is the same effect but without the newspaper down first.

I hope to improve the backgrounds of many more of the pages throughout the scrapbook, I just need to hunt down a craft shop first.


  1. i love how scrapbooks look like but somehow i just can't keep doing it and rather look at other peoples than doing one on my own. yours looks beautiful though.

  2. Scrapbooks are such a good idea of making scrapbooks of memories. I was thinking of doing one of my university memories
