Sunday 10 August 2014

Websites That Can Help With Blogging Opportunities.

When your blog is still quite unknown it can be quite hard to get some blogging opportunities. Today I've got two different sites that I use to get these opportunities for myself. These sites are created for bloggers who may not be contacted to review products or services. How they both work is that the companies post blogging assignments onto these sites and it's up to the blogger to contact them if they fit the assignment specifics. Most of these companies are pretty lenient and are willing to work with bloggers who don't have much of a following. 

The site I use the most my blogging opportunities/assignments is Bloggers Required, they have a section where you can view all of the new assignments. Typically each assignment will have a title, picture and maybe a little paragraph of what the assignment will be like. Within each assignment the company can say who they are, what the product/service is, what type of bloggers they want to promote their product and which country they need to be from for example the UK or US. 
When applying for the assignment you tell the company about your blog, and then write a pitch saying why they should pick you and your blog.
For this site you don't need to sign up, you just supply your information for each assignment.
You can view the assignments, here.

The other site that I use for blogging opportunities is The Blogger Network through etail PR, with this site the companies are more well known but they also expect a certain amount of followers through your blog or other social media too. This site is great for click through opportunities where you promote a link/click through image and you get paid for each click through/sign up. 
You can sign up to Blogger Network here.

I really recommend checking out these 2 sites to try and find some blogging opportunities that fit to you and your blog. If the assignment is completed well enough the companies many contact you to work with them  again in the future.
Do you have any sites that you use for blogging opportunities? Or do you use one of these already?


  1. I've not heard of Blogger Network so I'll check that out now. I'm also signed up to Jamballa and BrandBacker but as a travel blogger have only applied for/been accepted by Bloggers Required as they have quite a lot of relevant opportunities for me!

    1. Yeah It's good, Oh I've not heard of Jamballa before I'll have a look at that one :) I'm joined up to Brandbacker too but have never seen anything really relevant on there, all the emails I get about it are from the US.
      Pheobe x
