Saturday 28 September 2013

Products I keep next to my bed.

As I was going along with my nightly routine and then got into bed I thought I would do a blog post about the products I keep next to my bed to make sure I don't forget to use them.

Firstly I have my Nivea Hydro Care lip balm, I put this on when I get into bed before I read (if I do that night) or before I go to sleep. I try to put it on before I put my head down onto the pillow so it doesn't come off onto the pillow. I like to let it sink in to get the maximum effect. I got this last christmas in a Nivea bundle and have loved it since I started using it. £1.99 from the Nivea Site Shop.

Next I have my Nivea daily essentials night regenerating cream. I have had this product way before I started my blog and I still have it. There isn't much left but I would say up to next month if I'm pushing it, A little is needed and it's really moisturising. My skin has become a lot better after using this and my dry patches from last winter start to disappear when I started using this. £4.15 from the Nivea Site Shop. (This is often on on sale or deal in Tesco though.)

Then we have a product from the Woodland Escape range from Wilkinsons. I bought this product for my mum last christmas and as it's a butter she couldn't use it. She found it was too rich for her skin, and as my skin drys out a lot I need that type of product so it was perfect. I apply this to my legs and my arms every night (well I try to remember to.) 

The next product I have had for years, I think my mum bought it and I stole it somehow. I apply this to my hands just before I'm about to go to sleep and let it soak into my hands. Like the body moisturiser I forget to do this every night (bad Pheobe, I know) but I try to do it as often as I can. This product is no longer available but there is a new product similar from the Skin Therapy range in Wilkinsons for 59p.

And lastly I have tissues, this is just incase I end up with a cold and need tissue for my nose or incase I spill something (I'm that clumsy). 

What products do you keep next to your bed?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I nominated you for the Liebster Award, if you are interested, come to
