Friday 28 March 2014

Baking Red Velvet Cupcakes

So today I found myself having the urge to do some baking and at first I really wanted to do some cookies, I then headed down to my local Tesco and found all baking on 3 for 2.
I picked up a chocolate chip cookie mix and my original thought was to pick up 3 of these them I seen red velvet and caramel cupcake mixes have been added (among many others) and wanted to try them out.

As it's really only me in my family that will eat the cupcakes I decided to make each item at a time and not until the previous had all gone.
Today I started with the red velvet cupcakes.

How they look on the box /\
and how mine turned out \/

Mine weren't the best, the actual cupcake turned out fine and it was really soft, but I added in too much water in the icing and it didn't set or end up creamy (memo for next time)
But after hearing so many things about these cupcakes and them being American only for so long it's nice to try them out.

1 comment:

  1. These look soo good! I made Betty Crocker's Red velvet cake a while ago - it didn't look like the box but tasted lovely! x
    Sweet Dreams
